Pink & White Rose Bouquet
White Avalanche Roses, Pink Spray Roses, Pink Astilbe, White Veronica, White Phlox and Eucalyptus.
The box is not included.
White Avalanche Roses, Pink Spray Roses, Pink Astilbe, White Veronica, White Phlox and Eucalyptus.
The box is not included.
White Avalanche Roses, Pink Spray Roses, Pink Astilbe, White Veronica, White Phlox and Eucalyptus.
The box is not included.
All our flowers are beautifully wrapped in our signature style and will arrive with a pretty flower card with your personal message.
We only use the freshest and finest flowers in all our bouquets.
If a flower is unavailable for any reason, we will substitute for a flower of, the same or higher monetary value and similar style and colour.
Please note as with all natural products, there might be a slight variance in colour.
If you have specific requirements for your bouquet, please call to discuss.
Upon receipt we recommend unpacking it, cutting the stems and displaying in fresh water, in a cool room.