Red Rose and Spray Rose Bouquet
A symbol of timeless beauty and passion, our Red Rose and Red Spray Rose Bouquet features the stunning contrast of classic red Naomi Roses paired with the delicate charm of red Spray Roses. The bouquet’s bold and elegant design showcases full, velvety Naomi red Roses at the center, surrounded by smaller, yet equally vibrant, red Spray Roses. Together, they create a rich and sophisticated arrangement that conveys deep love, romance, and admiration. Finished with lush greenery for added texture and depth, this bouquet is a perfect gift for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or special celebrations.
All our bouquets are wrapped with brown paper, cellophane and raffia. The Vase is not included.
A symbol of timeless beauty and passion, our Red Rose and Red Spray Rose Bouquet features the stunning contrast of classic red Naomi Roses paired with the delicate charm of red Spray Roses. The bouquet’s bold and elegant design showcases full, velvety Naomi red Roses at the center, surrounded by smaller, yet equally vibrant, red Spray Roses. Together, they create a rich and sophisticated arrangement that conveys deep love, romance, and admiration. Finished with lush greenery for added texture and depth, this bouquet is a perfect gift for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or special celebrations.
All our bouquets are wrapped with brown paper, cellophane and raffia. The Vase is not included.
A symbol of timeless beauty and passion, our Red Rose and Red Spray Rose Bouquet features the stunning contrast of classic red Naomi Roses paired with the delicate charm of red Spray Roses. The bouquet’s bold and elegant design showcases full, velvety Naomi red Roses at the center, surrounded by smaller, yet equally vibrant, red Spray Roses. Together, they create a rich and sophisticated arrangement that conveys deep love, romance, and admiration. Finished with lush greenery for added texture and depth, this bouquet is a perfect gift for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or special celebrations.
All our bouquets are wrapped with brown paper, cellophane and raffia. The Vase is not included.